Waterloo Community Playhouse Special Project Fund

The Waterloo Community Playhouse Special Project Fund at the Waterloo Community Foundation will support the enhancement and replacement of vital equipment, the growth of new and expanding programs, and other special initiatives chosen by the Waterloo Community Playhouse and Black Hawk Children’s Theatre. The Waterloo Community Playhouse hopes to use this fund for new initiatives adding to the value of their productions.

Anita Ross, Executive Director of the Waterloo Community Playhouse, said, “It is for those dream projects. As a nonprofit, we live in the margins,” said Ross. “We live and die by how successful a show is going to be, and we do know that there are shows that aren’t going to help us meet our monthly payments.”

This fund will allow the playhouse to give attention to some of the more practical upgrades needed, such as upgraded lighting equipment, new microphone body packs, or even new carpet for the building, as it has not been updated since the 1980s. More importantly, however, this Fund will go toward aiding “the dream projects”, which will add to the production value of each show.

The Waterloo Community Playhouse is integral to our city and has something for everyone. “I think that the most important thing is that there’s a place for everybody. It’s not just about getting on stage,” said Ross. Volunteers are incredibly important to help build and paint sets, and to make props. The Playhouse makes sure that kids wanting to learn more about leadership roles, get to by becoming assistant stage managers.

One of the most heartwarming things I hear is ‘this is our second home’, I hear that a lot. And ‘Thank you for giving me a place where I feel included, where I feel accepted, where I feel respected’” said Ross.

Ross’s love for Waterloo really shines when talking about the community she loves. She said, “It’s a great community to be part of, and I appreciate the people that are really working to make it an amazing community.”

If you’re interested in contributing to the Waterloo Community Playhouse Special Project Fund, donations can be made online at www.wloocommunityfoundation.org. Donors will be kept informed about the special projects initiated by the Fund.

For more information about the Waterloo Community Playhouse or the Black Hawk Children’s theater, visit www.wcpbhct.org

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