Every investment in our community makes a lasting impact, not only today but for generations to come.
There are many ways to make a lasting difference in Waterloo through the Waterloo Community Foundation. We are eager to listen and help you set up a fund according to your own unique and creative interests.
Schedule a meeting with Executive Director Erin Tink
Whether you are ready to open a fund or are just starting to explore your options, we want to get to know you!
Fund Types
Leave a Legacy
You can make a lasting impact in Waterloo that will benefit our community today and for generations to come. We want to help you create a legacy for the future of Waterloo!
Estate planning is much more than just the transmission of wealth – it is an opportunity to pass on your values and passion for the things you care about. By leaving a gift through your will, retirement plan assets, life insurance, or other sources, you ensure that your love for Waterloo extends beyond your lifetime.
Join Our Legacy Society
Our Legacy Society recognizes the forward-thinking individuals who have decided to invest in our city’s future by including the Waterloo Community Foundation in their estate plans.
As a member of the Legacy Society, you will be part of a select group of individuals who share a deep commitment to the future of Waterloo. Planned gifts can be given in any amount or percentage and they can be designated to your Fund, if applicable.
Will you consider a planned gift to the Waterloo Community Foundation and join our Legacy Society?
Contact Erin Tink, Executive Director, at erin.tink@wloocommunityfoundation.org to learn more.